Empowering Fearless Birth is a 501 (c) 3 and donations are tax-deductible to the extent of the law.
The following sponsorship opportunities are available:
500 SWAG BAGS ( Your Cost - 1 available)
High quality bags with a design of your choosing. We only ask that they be at least 9x11x4” in size with a durable handle. These bags will be stuffed with swag for our VIP ticket holders and will have constant exposure during the event
SWAG BAG INSERTS (Your Cost - 50 available)
Any insert of coupons or samples into the swag bags. 500 minimum. If more are provided, they will be given to attendees until supplies run out. $15 for fliers. Free if sample/gift included.
FILM PREMIERE $350 (1 available)
Sponsorship of film premiere. Your logo will be displayed on the screen in between each film. You will co-host the festival and announce the winners. You will also have the opportunity to shower the VIP clients whose films are being premiered with our gift packages
KEYNOTE SPONSORSHIP $100 (2 available)
5-10 minute introductions delivered by you or us at the beginning of our main keynotes. This can be promotional or educational in nature. We’ll work with you to create the best impression!
DIAMOND SPONSOR $4500 (1 available)
Largest main-booth at entrance to event.
Company logo and message on all event materials including radio/tv spots.
Website main banner.
Banner hanging over welcome/ticket table. Logo printed on all attendee tickets.
Swag bag sponsorship. 200 tickets to give out to attendees
PLATINUM SPONSOR $1000 (2 available)
Company logo on all event materials.
Logo prominently displayed on all website materials.
Banner displayed at event.
Intro at film festival and before each speaker.
GOLD SPONSOR $150 (10 available)
Company logo on all event materials
Banner displayed at event
4 VIP tickets
SILVER SPONSOR $25 (20 available)
Company logo on all event materials and website. Optional swag bag insert service.